Lachreben de Rorschwihr


  • SURFACE: 10 hectares 60 ares 14 ca
  • NATURE OF THE SOIL: Marl and sandy clay, marl and limestone
  • ERE: Secondary
  • PERIOD: Upper Triassic and Lower Jurassic
  • PERIODS: Keuper and Lias
  • FLOORS: Carien / Norien and Sinémurien / Pliensbachien
  • EVENTS: The Keuper lagoons are covered by the Jurassic sea
  • AGE: – 230 to – 210 Million years then – 200 to 184 Million years
  • ALTITUDE: 225 – 290 meters
  • EXPOSURE : East and South East


On a northern third of this locality, the subsoil is made up of gray or variegated marls of the lower keuper more or less silty and dolomitic. In these lands, deposits of marine lagoons, with evaporites, there are beds of anhydrite or gypsum (formerly exploited in Riquewihr in Schoenenbourg, in Bergheim in Kanzlerberg and, in part, in Haguenau in Bergheim as well as in Lachreben in Rorschwihr.). However, these lands do not really level, because it is a faulty compartment, at the foot of the Vosges fault, covered by fine scree and sandy colluvium from both conglomerates and sandstones of the Vosges and granite arenas. . The southern and main part of the locality is made up of the marls and limestones of the Lias (Sinemurian and Pliensbachien) as at the Silberbergof Rorschwihr located 60 to 80 meters higher in another tectonic compartment. Topographically, the Grypheus marls and limestones of the lower Lias, which are located upstream, to the west, while the clays and marls with ferruginous ovoids with calcareous sandstone of the Middle Lias, are located below, to the east. A NW-SE direction fault therefore separates the two floors of the Lias.

This geological overview is taken from a private study carried out by the INSTITUT DE GEOLOGIE DE L’UNIVERSITE LOUIS PASTEUR DE STRASBOURG (Claude SITTLER and Robin THIRION) at a scale of 1/5000 on behalf of DOMAINE ROLLY-GASSMANN.


COLOR : White

DISTRIBUTION OF VARIETIES AND / OR BLENDINGS PLANT ON THE TERROIR: Riesling 30%, Pinot grey 15%, Gewurztraminer 10%, Pinot black 5%

READY TO DRINK : 3 to 20 years

FOOD AND WINE PAIRING : Japanese cuisine, steam cooking


This locality was mainly exploited by the monks of Moyenmoutier and the Convent of Sélestat which cites it in 1348. The origin of its name which means “The laughing vines” is not explained. Completely anecdotal, it should be noted that it is marketed and claimed on various harvest declarations (see the 300 harvest declarations of Rorschwihr which mention the 12 localities. It should be noted that Rorschwihr only has 5 manipulants 2 of which do not have vines in the 12 localities of the Municipality, the other winegrowers being either cooperators or vendors of grapes).


These lacustrine deposits close to the surface of the ground were not buried during the collapse of the Rhine basin despite the fact that this cru is located on the edge of the Vosges fault. This last 200m further merges with the Rhine fault and signals the start of the Ribeauvillé fracture field which starts at Rorschwihr as far as Sigolsheim. The granitic rocks loaded with acid water have occasionally decarbonated the northern, northwestern rim of this land. This sector is influenced more strongly by cooler winds coming from the granite hills further north located at the foot of Haut-Koenigsbourg and descending towards the Rhine plain. This phenomenon lessens the impact of solar radiation, which is reduced by a smaller opening of the landscape and requires a somewhat later harvest to obtain full maturity of the pips in a cold year. This slowly warming soil, loaded with humidity, influences the power and growth of the plant which must be tamed by human labor.


(cf. “LANDSCAPE UNITS AND SOILS OF THE ALSACIAN VINEYARD-Cartography at 1 / 25000th-1990)

Altenberg de Bergbieten (west); Altenberg de Wolxheim (eastern part); Froehn (except the top); geisberg (center-top); Kanzlerberg (west and plateau); Osterberg (top); Shoenenbourg (center and west); Sonnenglanz (north); Spiegel (upstream surface); Sporen (west); Steinklotz from Marlenheim (east).


15 Grand Rue 68590 Rorschwihr

Open from 10 a.m. to noon and 1:30 p.m
at 6 p.m. from Monday to Saturday and the second
and fourth Sunday of each month of
10 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m
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