Pflaenzerreben de Rorschwihr (Vine plant) cited from 1092
Muschelkalk type clay-limestone silt. Riesling: fish in sauce, lobster, langoustines, crayfish, sauerkraut with three fish, poultry … Vendanges Tardives Riesling:armorican lobster, lamprey, seaweed cuisine …
Rotleibel de Rorschwihr (Red Earth) cited from 1348
Brown, stony clayey-marly loam, sporadically clad with loess. Auxerrois: tarte flambĂ©e, pizzas, pies, pork, poultry … Pinot Grey: tomato salad, vegetarian dishes, veal, snail casserole, lamb, creamy sauce base, mushrooms, lacquered meats, offal … Pinot Grey Vendanges Tardives: duck foie gras, plum tart, pineapple, candied fruit, dried fruit, cooked cheese (ComtĂ©) …
Silberberg de Rorschwihr (Silver Mountain) cited from 1348
Silicified muschelkalk soil. Riesling: oysters, crab, salmon, mussels, all lemon dishes … Riesling SĂ©lection de Grains Nobles: caviar, sushi, lemon tart, chicken curry, lacquered pork …
Stegreben de Rorschwihr (Vine staircase) cited from 814
Oolitic limestone and interbedded marl conglomerate. Gewurztraminer: all the spicy dishes, Indian cuisine, Mexican cuisine, smoked herrings … Gewurztraminer Vendanges Tardives: spicy (ginger, pepper) and caramelized dishes, duck breasts with honey, apricot tagine …
Weingarten de Rorschwihr (Wine Garden) cited from 742
Colluvial oolitic limestone soil with a clayey marl matrix. Sylvaner: shellfish, cold meats, hamburger, doner kebab, salads, raw vegetables, vegetable dishes …
Rorschwihr (village name) cited from 254
Marl limestone soil. Pinot black: game, wild boar, doe, wild boar …
Rodern (village name) cited from 1100
Granite on blue marl. Pinot Black: venison, veal, beef, grilled meats, barbecue …