Rotleibel de Rorschwihr

Red earth – Cited from 1348


  • SURFACE: 17 hectares 2 ares 45 ca
  • NATURE OF THE SOIL: Brown loamy-clayey-marly, stony sporadically clad with loess
  • ERA: Tertiary / Quaternary
  • PERIOD: Pliocene / Pleistocene
  • PERIODS: Older than the conventional quaternary limit (1.6 – 1.7 Million years)
  • EVENTS: Ice age probably of the Prétiglien (first cold period of the “Quaternary”) because of the numerous boulders reworked during an uplift of the Vosges
  • AGE: Around 2 Million years
  • ALTITUDE: 195 – 215 meters
  • EXPOSURE: South and East


A colluvial tongue of clayey-marly silt rich in rocky fragments has been deposited on an old alluvial cone with gravel from the Vosges valleys. There are mainly oolitic limestones, silicified Muschelkalk blocks, ferruginous concretions from Lias and Eocene, as well as a conglomerate sandy fraction from Buntsanstein and even Quaternary gravel. In the northeast sector (1/4 of the area), superficially (10 to 20 cm), carbonated loess and decarbonated lehm have been deposited; these silts of Aeolian origin are contemporary with the last cold period of the Quaternary (Würm -75000 to -10000 years). These are fine limestone sands deposited on steppe lands. They were sometimes decalcified into lehms by meteoric water in flood areas during warming episodes. It seems that the silty-clayey and marly colluvia which occupy 3/4 of the locality are the oldest colluviums of the series of nine found on the territory of Rorschwihr. Their age can be estimated at nearly 2 million years if these deposits correspond to the first cooling of the Plio-Quaternary. We would therefore have at Rotleibel de Rorschwihr (and to a lesser extent at Kappelweg and Moenchreben) the first alluviums and last loess witnesses of the Cenozoic glacial periods (= Tertiary and Quaternary).

This geological overview is taken from a private study carried out by the INSTITUT DE GEOLOGIE DE UNIVERSITE LOUIS PASTEUR DE STRASBOURG (Claude SITTLER and Robin THIRION) at a scale of 1: 5000 on behalf of DOMAINE ROLLY-GASSMANN.



COLOR : White



READY TO DRINK : 3 – 12 years


AUXERROIS :Tarte flambée, pizzas, pies, pork, poultry …

PINOT GREY : tomato salad, vegetarian dishes, veal, snail casserole, lamb, creamy sauce base, mushrooms, lacquered meats, offal …

LATE HARVEST PINOT GRIS : duck foie gras, mirabelle plum tart, pineapple, candied fruit, dried fruit, cooked cheese (Comté …) …


The Provincial Court of “ROTHWEIL” could well, by deformation, have given birth to the name of Rotleibel.This locality was claimed and developed by the Silo de Sélestat and the Abbaye de Moyen-moutier. It should be noted that the Colongère court of Meyerhof had works carried out there as a penalty. The first sale of this vintage under the name “Rotleibel” dates back to 1348. As for the grape varieties, we mainly find Auxerrois, Pinot Gris as well as Pinot Noir, Gewurztraminer and Riesling; it is above all the Pinots that like it wonderfully. Completely anecdotally, it should be noted that it is marketed and claimed on various harvest declarations (see the 300 harvest declarations of Rorschwihr) which mention the 12 localities. It should be noted that Rorschwihr only has 5 handlers, 2 of whom do not have vines in the 12 localities of the Municipality, the other winegrowers being either cooperators or vendors of grapes).


The Rotleibel is located at the foot of the second nipple north of our village. This nipple which makes the junction of the sub-Vosges hills and the plain, is made up to the west of the Silberberg of Rorschwihr, Kugelberg of Rorschwihr, Weingarten of Rorschwihr Kappelweg of Rorschwihr, Moenschreben of Rorschwihr and Rotleibel of Rorschwihr

This terroir, based on limestone, is one of the growths in Alsace that advances the most in the Rhine plain, it has been covered by deposits of non-carbonated loess which influence the earliness and maturity of the grapes.

These Loess veneers ranging from 5 to 20 cm allow a significant daily reverberation and a strong heat absorption which is restored throughout the night. This cru has the particularity of having an albedo identical to the Château Neuf du Pape.

This particular situation, combined with the soil and the microbial life of the soil, naturally promotes over-maturity. The latter is amplified by the end-of-season fohns which accentuate the thermal variation. This situation gives the grapes harder skins which modifies the rate of maturity of the skin which is amplified by a concentration caused by pastriage. This particular situation allows a reconcentration of natural acidities despite the natural richness of the soft and very important solar radiation.

The clayey sediments of natural fertility provided with water are reduced by the strong evapo-transpiration of the frequent southerly winds. This low-hillside situation develops botrytis cineria in the off-season, which is stimulated by dew or dawn mist.


(cf. “LANDSCAPE UNITS AND SOILS OF THE ALSACIAN VINEYARD-Cartography at 1 / 25000th-1990)

Eichberg (west); Furstentum (bottom); Goldert (bottom); Hatchbourg (east); Hengst (north); Mambourg (lower west); Mandelberg (east-low); Marckrain (bottom); Moenchberg (east); Osterberg (bottom); Sporen (east); Steinert (bottom); Steingrubler (bottom); Steinklotz (east); Vorburg (center and bottom).


15 Grand Rue 68590 Rorschwihr

Open from 10 a.m. to noon and 1:30 p.m
at 6 p.m. from Monday to Saturday and the second
and fourth Sunday of each month of
10 a.m. to noon and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m
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